This Ritual was given to me by a lady I know. The moon will be full so and it will be time to honor her.
Consecration of Sacred Space:
Before the ritual begins take time to cleanse the sacred space of all energies that may stand in the way of your ritual. Ritually smudge the area with sage or using your besom (broom) sweep the area clear of unwanted energies.
Next, consecrate the salt and water and incense to cleanse the circle and lay its boundaries. To do so, use your athame and hold it point down over the chalice of water say:
"The blessings of the Goddess be upon this water, symbol of the Waters of life. May it ever remind me of the cauldron of rebirth."
Place your athame point down over the container of salt and say:
"The blessings of the Goddess be upon this salt, symbol of Earth. May I ever honor the blessed Earth that is her body in the physical world."
Scoop a little of the salt with the athame and place it into the water. Take up the chalice in your power hand and swirl it gently three times in a clockwise motion. Hold the chalice high over the altar and say:
"Water and Earth, Elements of birth. By touch, purify. By power, sanctify. Great Goddess, be you adored!"
Take the chalice and with the fingers of your power hand lightly sprinkle the water around the edges of the circle, starting and ending in the east, moving clockwise.
For the incense hold the athame over the incense and say:
"May the blessing of the God be upon this incense, symbol of Air. May I always listen to the spiritual inspiration that whispers to my soul."
Hold your athame over the fire candle and say:
"May the blessings of the God be upon this candle, symbol of Fire. May I ever honor the sacred Fire that dances within me."
Light the incense with the flame from the candle. Hold the incense over the altar and say:
"Fire and Air, Elements so fair. By touch, purify. By power, sanctify. Great God be you adored."
Carry the incense around the circle starting and ending in the east, moving clockwise.
Circle Cast:
Three times round’ I cast my blade,
That this circle shall be made.
First, white crescent from the Maiden’s brow,
Her strength and independence be here now.
Second, red blood from the Mother’s womb,
As I weave my life on Her starlight loom.
Third, black shadow from the Crone’s abyss,
Teaches me wisdom with her underworld kiss.
Sacred space within this circle now lies,
Protected from unwelcome eyes.
Let no one enter here within,
Who has not been made welcome.
So Mote it be.
Call to Corners:
(One member to open each corner and center)
Light the corner candle. With the feather, draw an invoking pentagram in the air over the corner as you say:
"Greetings to the Powers of Air. Move into this sacred space with the winds of spirit, and protect all gathered here. Let me breathe in, and become one with, the Goddess, so I might know her voice in myself, others and the world."
Light the corner candle. Take the athame and draw an invoking pentagram in the air over the corner as you say:
"Greetings to the Powers of Fire. Ignite this sacred space with the embers of Spirit, and protect all gathered here. Let me be warmed by, and become one with, the Goddess, so I can see her light shining in myself, others and the world."
Light the corner candle. Dip finger in sea water and draw an invoking pentagram in the air over the corner while you say:
Greetings to the Powers of Water. Flow into this sacred space with the elixir of Spirit, and protect all gathered here. Let me drink deeply of, and become one with the Goddess, so I might feel her wholeness flowing in myself, others and the world.
Light the corner candle. Take up the crystal and draw an invoking pentagram in the air over the corner as you say:
Greetings to the Powers of the Earth. Root this sacred space in the rich soils of Spirit, and protect all gathered here. Let me be enriched by, and become one with, the Goddess, so I can see her blossoming in myself, others and the world.
Light the Goddess Candle. Draw an invoking pentagram over the altar with your athame or wand, then spread your arms wide over the altar and say
Greetings, great Goddess! She who is, was, and always shall be! Maiden, Mother, Crone, come! Be welcome here, and bless our efforts in this sacred space. So mote it be.
Statement of Intent:
Goddess, your children gather again tonight, this night of the Full Moon, to honor you, to call upon your energies to join with our own, to remind us of the glorious path we are on. We call you Great Goddess, to come through the Veil and be with us here tonight. Fill our bodies with your holy presence and bless us with your power. We give you honor, Great Goddess!
Listen to the Words of the Great Mother, who was of old called among men Artemis, Astarte, Diana, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride and by many other names.
At my altar the youth of the most distant ages gave love, and made due sacrifice. Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month, and better it be when the Moon is Full, then shall ye gather in some secret place and adore the Spirit of Me, Who am Queen of All Witcheries. There shall ye gather, ye who are fain to learn all Magick, yet have not yet won deepest secrets: to these will I teach things that are yet unknown.
And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye shall be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites. And ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in My Praise. For Mine is the Ecstasy of the Spirit, and Mine also is Joy on Earth, for My Law is Love unto all beings.
Keep pure your Highest Ideal; strive ever toward it; let naught stop you or turn you aside. For Mine is the Secret door which opens upon the Land of Youth; and Mine is the Cup of the Wine of Life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality.
I am the Gracious Goddess, Who gave the Gift of Joy unto the heart of man: on Earth, I give the Knowledge of the Spirit Eternal; and beyond death, I give peace, and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice, for behold: I am the Mother of All Living, and My Love is poured out upon the Earth.
Hear ye the Words of the Star Goddess: She in the Dust of Whose Feet are the Hosts of Heaven, Whose Body encircleth the Universe.
I, who am the Beauty of the Green Earth, and the White Moon amongst the Stars, and the Mystery of the Waters, and the desire of the heart of man, I call unto thy soul: Arise! And come unto Me!
For I am the Soul of Nature, Who giveth Life unto the Universe: from Me all things proceed, and unto Me all things must return. And before My Face, which is beloved of gods and men, thine innermost Divine Self shall be enfolded in the Rapture of the Infinite.
Let My Worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
And thou who thinkest to seek for Me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knowest the Mystery: that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee.
For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am That which is attained at the end of Desire.
Drawing Down the Moon:
Those that are present and ready may now draw down the moon’s energies to meld with our own here tonight.
Standing with legs slightly apart with your arms at your side and your wand or athame in your power hand (right if right handed, left if left handed), take three deep cleansing breaths. Grasp your athame or wand with both hands, raise it to your lips and then towards the moon. Feel the energy of the moon, and therefore the Goddess, move through the athame or wand down your arms and into your whole being. Pull the wand or athame towards your heart and feel the energy fill you completely. Take three more breaths. You are ready to begin!
Honoring the Goddess:
(Each member repeats parts at the same corner they called. Each member of the group will face the corner and raise their athame, wand or hand as they face each corner)
Stand facing the altar. Ring a small bell. Raise arms over altar and say:
"Lady of the Full Moon bright, be here with us on this night. Guide our hands, our heads, our hearts, that from your path we never part. Lead us to the ancient power to aid us in this magickal hour. Teach us how to spell and cast, a magic future that will last. An ancient power since time begun, Oh Ancient Beauty, Powerful One."
"We open ourselves to the Lady’s power of strong thought and clear ideas."
''We open ourselves to the Lady’s power of bright spiritual fire and dedication to Her.
West ''
"We open ourselves to the Lady’s power of healing and love."
"We open ourselves to the Lady’s power of a healthy body, prosperous life, and strong friendships."
"All hail the unending power and beauty of the Goddess!
Now move onto energy building exercises, to send loving energies to the universe.
Cakes and Ale
Reverse Drawing Down:
Raise your wand or athame to your heart, then your lips and then towards the moon, visualizing the excess energies returning to the Goddess. When finished, say a silent thank you to the Goddess then ground yourself by placing your hand to the earth, clapping them sharply, or shaking the excess off towards the ground.
Farewell to Corners:
Great Goddess our thanks to you for spending time with us in the physical realm. We will cherish your wisdom and insights, carrying them in our hearts. As we go from this place, help us to remember that you are always part of all of us, and the world – in the moon, in the waters, in our life’s blood, and most important in our spirits. So be it.
Powers of the North, we thank you for your presence here tonight. Hail and farewell.
Powers of the West, we thank you for your presence here tonight. Hail and farewell.
Powers of the South, we thank you for your presence here tonight. Hail and farewell.
Powers of the East, we thank you for your presence here tonight. Hail and farewell.
Close Circle.
Blessed Be!
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